sdr.coherent_gain_loss(time: ArrayLike, freq: ArrayLike) NDArray[float64]

Computes the coherent gain loss (CGL) given a time or frequency offset.

time: ArrayLike

The coherent integration time Tc or time offset in Δt in seconds.

freq: ArrayLike

The frequency offset Δf or signal bandwidth Bc in Hz.


The coherent gain loss (CGL) in dB.


Coherent gain loss is the reduction in SNR due to time or frequency offsets during coherent integration. These losses are similar to scalloping loss.

The coherent gain loss of a signal integrated for Tc seconds with a frequency offset of Δf Hz is


where the sinc function is defined as


The coherent gain loss of a signal with bandwidth Bc Hz with a detection time offset of Δt seconds is



Compute the coherent gain loss for an integration time of 1 ms and a frequency offset of 235 Hz.

In [1]: sdr.coherent_gain_loss(1e-3, 235)
Out[1]: 0.8038919141626675

Compute the coherent gain loss for a signal with 1 MHz of bandwidth and a detection time offset of 0.25 μs.

In [2]: sdr.coherent_gain_loss(0.25e-6, 1e6)
Out[2]: 0.9120975839632417

Compute the coherent gain loss of a signal detected between two DFT bins. This is commonly referred as the DFT scalloping loss. Suppose the DFT is 1 ms long, then the bin spacing is 1 kHz. The worst case scalloping loss occurs at 1/2 bin spacing, or 500 Hz in this example. Scalloping loss of 3.9 dB for an unwindowed DFT is a well-known figure.

In [3]: t_c = 1e-3  # s

In [4]: sdr.coherent_gain_loss(t_c, 1 / t_c / 2)
Out[4]: 3.9223975406030527

If the DFT is zero-padded to twice the length, the scalloping loss is reduced to 0.9 dB.

In [5]: t_c = 1e-3  # s

In [6]: sdr.coherent_gain_loss(t_c, 1 / (2 * t_c) / 2)
Out[6]: 0.9120975839632417

Compute the coherent gain loss for an integration time of 1 ms and an array of frequency offsets.

In [7]: sdr.coherent_gain_loss(1e-3, [0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500])
array([-0.        ,  0.14335017,  0.57922366,  1.32626966,  2.42007077,

Plot coherent gain loss as a function of frequency offset.

In [8]: f = np.linspace(0, 2e3, 1001)

In [9]: plt.figure(); \
   ...: plt.plot(f, sdr.coherent_gain_loss(0.5e-3, f), label="0.5 ms"); \
   ...: plt.plot(f, sdr.coherent_gain_loss(1e-3, f), label="1 ms"); \
   ...: plt.plot(f, sdr.coherent_gain_loss(2e-3, f), label="2 ms"); \
   ...: plt.legend(title="Integration time"); \
   ...: plt.ylim(-5, 55); \
   ...: plt.xlabel("Frequency offset (Hz)"); \
   ...: plt.ylabel("Coherent gain loss (dB)"); \
   ...: plt.title("Coherent gain loss for various integration times");

Plot coherent gain loss as a function of integration time.

In [10]: t = np.linspace(0, 1e-2, 1001)

In [11]: plt.figure(); \
   ....: plt.plot(t * 1e3, sdr.coherent_gain_loss(t, 100), label="100 Hz"); \
   ....: plt.plot(t * 1e3, sdr.coherent_gain_loss(t, 200), label="200 Hz"); \
   ....: plt.plot(t * 1e3, sdr.coherent_gain_loss(t, 400), label="400 Hz"); \
   ....: plt.legend(title="Frequency offset"); \
   ....: plt.ylim(-5, 55); \
   ....: plt.xlabel("Integration time (ms)"); \
   ....: plt.ylabel("Coherent gain loss (dB)"); \
   ....: plt.title("Coherent gain loss for various frequency offsets");