sdr.PolyphaseFIR.__call__(x: ArrayLike, mode: 'rate' | 'full' = 'rate') NDArray

Filters the input signal x[n] with the polyphase FIR filter.

x: ArrayLike

The input signal x[n] with sample rate fs and length L.

mode: 'rate' | 'full' = 'rate'

The non-streaming convolution mode.

  • "rate": The output signal y[n] has length Lr, proportional to the resampling rate r. Output sample 0 aligns with input sample 0.

  • "full": The full convolution is performed. The output signal y[n] has length (L+N)r, where N is the order of the prototype filter. Output sample delay aligns with input sample 0.

In streaming mode, the "full" convolution is performed. However, for each L input samples only Lr output samples are produced per call. A final call to flush() is required to flush the filter state.


The filtered signal y[n] with sample rate fsr. The output length is dictated by the mode argument.