

Released November 12, 2023


  • Added polyphase rational resampling in sdr.Resampler.

  • Added discrete-time FIR differentiating filters in sdr.Differentiator.

  • Added discrete-time IIR integrating filters in sdr.Integrator.

  • Added sdr.percent(), sdr.ppm(), and sdr.ppb().

  • Moved sdr.DDS functionality into sdr.NCO. Removed sdr.DDS.

  • Added ability to seed the channel models.

  • Added option to compute measurements along a specified axis.

  • Added option to return measurements in decibels.

  • Replaced pylint with ruff.

  • Replaced black with ruff.

  • Improved type annotations.



Released September 4, 2023


  • Added minimum-shift keying (MSK) in sdr.MSK.

  • Added pulse shape customization to linear modulations.

  • Added theoretic detection performance of a matched filter in sdr.ReplicaCorrelator and an energy detector in sdr.EnergyDetector.

  • Added Albersheim’s minimum required SNR approximation in sdr.albersheim().

  • Added plotting of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in sdr.plot.roc().

  • Added plotting of probability of detection curves in sdr.plot.p_d().

  • Added plotting of phase trees of continuous-phase modulation (CPM) in sdr.plot.phase_tree().

  • Added sensible time and frequency units to plots.



Released August 27, 2023


  • Added generic linear modulation schemes in sdr.LinearModulation.

  • Added \(\pi/M\) PSK modulation in sdr.PiMPSK.

  • Added offset QPSK modulation in sdr.OQPSK.

  • Added rectangular pulse shapes in sdr.rectangular().

  • Added half-sine pulse shapes in sdr.half_sine().

  • Added pulse shaping in linear modulations. Now map_symbols() and decide_symbols() operate on 1 sample per symbol and modulate() and demodulate() operate on multiple samples per symbol.



Released August 20, 2023


  • Added raster plots in sdr.plot.raster().

  • Added eye diagrams in sdr.plot.eye().

  • Added upsampling (without anti-aliasing filtering) in sdr.upsample().

  • Added downsampling (without anti-aliasing filtering) in sdr.downsample().

  • Added wavelength calculation in sdr.wavelength().

  • Supported real sinusoid mixing.

  • Supported returning measurements in dB.



Released August 13, 2023


  • Added polyphase FIR decimator in sdr.Decimator().

  • Added multirate FIR filter design in sdr.multirate_taps().

  • Added polyphase decomposition in sdr.polyphase_matrix().

  • Added linear to decibel conversion in sdr.db().

  • Added decibel to linear conversion in sdr.linear().

  • Added linear and zero-order hold polyphase FIR interpolators.

  • Added a state property to FIR filters.

  • Added a flush() method to FIR filters.

  • Added support for passing filter objects into filter plotting functions.

  • Added ability to center or offset a time-domain plot.

  • Improved the string representation of classes.

  • Renamed sdr.plot.frequency_response() to sdr.plot.magnitude_response().

  • Removed superfluous methods like FIR.filter() and replaced with FIR.__call__().



Released August 6, 2023


  • Added error vector magnitude measurement in sdr.evm().

  • Added complex mixing (frequency translation) in sdr.mix().

  • Added real passband to complex baseband conversion in sdr.to_complex_bb().

  • Added complex baseband to real passband conversion in sdr.to_real_pb().

  • Added binary and bipolar Barker sequences in sdr.barker().

  • Added complex-valued Zadoff-Chu sequences in sdr.zadoff_chu().

  • Added theoretical BER/SER for DE-PSK.

  • Fixed theoretical BER/SER for PSK.



Released July 30, 2023


  • Added PSK modulation in sdr.PSK.

  • Added symbol mapping: sdr.binary_code(), sdr.gray_code().

  • Added differential codes: sdr.diff_encode(), sdr.diff_decode().

  • Added a FIR interpolating filter in sdr.FIRInterpolator.

  • Added error rate measurement in sdr.ErrorRate.

  • Added signal measurement functions: sdr.energy(), sdr.peak_power(), sdr.average_power(), sdr.papr(), sdr.peak_voltage(), sdr.rms_voltage(), sdr.crest_factor().

  • Added channel models: sdr.bec(), sdr.bsc(), sdr.dmc().

  • Added signal impairments: sdr.awgn(), sdr.frequency_offset(), sdr.sample_rate_offset(), sdr.iq_imbalance().

  • Added probability functions: sdr.Q(), sdr.Qinv().

  • Added link budget functions: sdr.fpsl(), sdr.parabolic_antenna().

  • Added channel capacity functions: sdr.awgn_capacity(), sdr.bec_capacity(), sdr.bsc_capacity().

  • Added SNR conversion functions: sdr.ebn0_to_esn0(), sdr.ebn0_to_snr(), sdr.esn0_to_ebn0(), sdr.esn0_to_snr(), sdr.snr_to_ebn0(), sdr.snr_to_esn0().

  • Added plotting functions for modulation: sdr.plot.ber(), sdr.plot.ser(), sdr.plot.constellation(), sdr.plot.symbol_map().

  • Added more filter plotting functions: sdr.plot.phase_response(), sdr.plot.phase_delay().



Released July 16, 2023


  • Added finite impulse response (FIR) filters in sdr.FIR.

  • Added pulse shapes: sdr.raised_cosine(), sdr.root_raised_cosine(), sdr.gaussian().

  • Added plotting helper functions in sdr.plot:

    • sdr.plot.time_domain()

    • sdr.plot.periodogram(), sdr.plot.spectrogram()

    • sdr.plot.filter(), sdr.plot.frequency_response, sdr.plot.group_delay(), sdr.plot.impulse_response(), sdr.plot.step_response(), sdr.plot.zeros_poles()

  • Added measurement functions: sdr.papr(), sdr.crest_factor().

  • Added bit packing and unpacking functions: sdr.pack(), sdr.unpack().

  • Added hexdump helper function in sdr.hexdump().

  • Improved type annotations.



Released July 9, 2023


  • Added Farrow arbitrary resampling in sdr.FarrowResampler. (#1)

  • Added infinite impulse response (IIR) filters in sdr.IIR. (#3)

  • Added numerically-controlled oscillators (NCO) in sdr.NCO. (#4)

  • Added direct digital synthesizers (DDS) in sdr.DDS. (#4)

  • Added 2nd order, proportional-plus-integrator loop filters in sdr.LoopFilter. (#4)

  • Added closed-loop PLL analysis in sdr.ClosedLoopPLL. (#5)


Last update: Nov 12, 2023