


Applies sdr’s default matplotlib rcParams.


sdr.plot.time_domain(x: ArrayLike, sample_rate: float = 1.0, **)

Plots a time-domain signal \(x[n]\).


sdr.plot.periodogram(x: ArrayLike, sample_rate: float = 1.0, ...)

Plots the estimated power spectral density \(P_{xx}\) of a time-domain signal \(x[n]\) using Welch’s method.

sdr.plot.spectrogram(x: ArrayLike, sample_rate: float = 1.0, ...)

Plots the spectrogram of a time-domain signal \(x[n]\) using Welch’s method.


sdr.plot.ber(ebn0: ArrayLike, ber: ArrayLike, **kwargs)

Plots the bit error rate (BER) as a function of \(E_b/N_0\).

sdr.plot.constellation(x_hat: ArrayLike, heatmap: bool = False, ...)

Plots the constellation of the complex symbols \(\hat{x}[k]\).

sdr.plot.ser(esn0: ArrayLike, ser: ArrayLike, **kwargs)

Plots the symbol error rate (SER) as a function of \(E_s/N_0\).

sdr.plot.symbol_map(symbol_map: ArrayLike, ...)

Plots the symbol map of the complex symbols \(\hat{x}[k]\).

Filter analysis

sdr.plot.filter(b: ArrayLike, a: ArrayLike = 1, ...)

Plots the frequency response \(H(\omega)\), impulse response \(h[n]\), step response \(s[n]\), and zeros and poles of the filter.

sdr.plot.frequency_response(b: ArrayLike, a: ArrayLike = 1, ...)

Plots the frequency response \(H(\omega)\) of the filter.

sdr.plot.group_delay(b: ArrayLike, a: ArrayLike = 1, ...)

Plots the group delay \(\tau_g(\omega)\) of the IIR filter.

sdr.plot.impulse_response(b: ArrayLike, a: ArrayLike = 1, ...)

Plots the impulse response \(h[n]\) of a filter.

sdr.plot.phase_delay(b: ArrayLike, a: ArrayLike = 1, ...)

Plots the phase delay \(\tau_{\phi}(\omega)\) of the filter.

sdr.plot.phase_response(b: ArrayLike, a: ArrayLike = 1, ...)

Plots the phase response \(\Theta(\omega)\) of the filter.

sdr.plot.step_response(b: ArrayLike, a: ArrayLike = 1, ...)

Plots the step response \(s[n]\) of a filter.

sdr.plot.zeros_poles(b: ArrayLike, a: ArrayLike = 1, **kwargs)

Plots the zeros and poles of the filter.

Last update: Jul 27, 2023