sdr.plot.stem(x: ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]], *, color: str | None = None, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, **kwargs)
sdr.plot.stem(x: ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]], y: ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]], *, color: str | None = None, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, **kwargs)

Wraps matplotlib.pyplot.stem() to style the plot more like MATLAB.

x: ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]]

The x-coordinates of the stem plot.

y: ndarray[Any, dtype[_ScalarType_co]]

The y-coordinates of the stem plot.

color: str | None = None

The color of the stem line and marker. If None, the next color in the current color cycle is used.

ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None

The axis to plot on. If None, the current axis is used.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to matplotlib.pyplot.stem().


This function is a wrapper around matplotlib.pyplot.stem() that styles the plot more like MATLAB’s stem(). It removes the base line and sets the stem line color and marker color to the next color in the current color cycle. It also sets the marker face color to none.


Compare the matplotlib.pyplot.stem() plot to the styled sdr.plot.stem() plot.

In [1]: rrc = sdr.raised_cosine(0.1, 8, 10)

In [2]: plt.figure(); \
   ...: plt.stem(rrc); \
   ...: plt.title("matplotlib.pyplot.stem()");

In [3]: plt.figure(); \
   ...: sdr.plot.stem(rrc); \
   ...: plt.title("sdr.plot.stem()");
../../_images/sdr_plot_stem_1.png ../../_images/sdr_plot_stem_2.png

The standard plot is even more unreadable when multiple stem plots are on the same axes.

In [4]: gaussian = sdr.gaussian(0.1, 8, 10)

In [5]: plt.figure(); \
   ...: plt.stem(rrc); \
   ...: plt.stem(gaussian); \
   ...: plt.title("matplotlib.pyplot.stem()");

In [6]: plt.figure(); \
   ...: sdr.plot.stem(rrc); \
   ...: sdr.plot.stem(gaussian); \
   ...: plt.title("sdr.plot.stem()");
../../_images/sdr_plot_stem_3.png ../../_images/sdr_plot_stem_4.png