sdr.shnidman(p_d: ArrayLike, p_fa: ArrayLike, n_nc: ArrayLike = 1, swerling: int = 0) NDArray[float64]

Estimates the minimum input signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) required to achieve the desired probability of detection \(P_d\) for the Swerling target model.

p_d: ArrayLike

The desired probability of detection \(P_d\) in \((0, 1)\).

p_fa: ArrayLike

The desired probability of false alarm \(P_{fa}\) in \((0, 1)\).

n_nc: ArrayLike = 1

The number of non-coherent combinations \(N_{nc} \ge 1\).

swerling: int = 0

The Swerling target model.

  • 0: Non-fluctuating target.

  • 1: Dwell-to-dwell decorrelation. Rayleigh PDF. Target has many scatterers, none are dominant. Set of \(N_{nc}\) returned pulses are correlated within a dwell but independent with the next set of \(N_{nc}\) pulses on the next dwell.

  • 2: Pulse-to-pulse decorrelation. Rayleigh PDF. Target has many scatterers, none are dominant. Set of \(N_{nc}\) returned pulses are independent from each other within a dwell.

  • 3: Dwell-to-dwell decorrelation. Chi-squared PDF with 4 degrees of freedom. Target has many scatterers, with one dominant. Set of \(N_{nc}\) returned pulses are correlated within a dwell but independent with the next set of \(N_{nc}\) pulses on the next dwell.

  • 4: Pulse-to-pulse decorrelation. Chi-squared PDF with 4 degrees of freedom. Target has many scatterers, with one dominant. Set of \(N_{nc}\) returned pulses are independent from each other within a dwell.

  • 5: Same as Swerling 0.


The minimum required input SNR \(\gamma\) in dB.

See also



This function implements Shnidman’s equation. The error in the estimated minimum SNR is claimed to be less than 1 dB for

\[0.1 \leq P_d \leq 0.99\]
\[10^{-9} \leq P_{fa} \leq 10^{-3}\]
\[1 \le N_{nc} \le 100 .\]



Compare the theoretical minimum required SNR across Swerling target models for 1, 3, and 30 non-coherent combinations.

In [1]: p_d = 0.9; \
   ...: p_fa = np.logspace(-12, -1, 21)

In [2]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(8, 12));

In [3]: for i, n_nc in enumerate([1, 3, 30]):
   ...:     ax[i].semilogx(p_fa, sdr.shnidman(p_d, p_fa, n_nc=n_nc, swerling=0), label=0)
   ...:     ax[i].semilogx(p_fa, sdr.shnidman(p_d, p_fa, n_nc=n_nc, swerling=1), label=1)
   ...:     ax[i].semilogx(p_fa, sdr.shnidman(p_d, p_fa, n_nc=n_nc, swerling=2), label=2)
   ...:     ax[i].semilogx(p_fa, sdr.shnidman(p_d, p_fa, n_nc=n_nc, swerling=3), label=3)
   ...:     ax[i].semilogx(p_fa, sdr.shnidman(p_d, p_fa, n_nc=n_nc, swerling=4), label=4)
   ...:     ax[i].legend(title="Swerling")
   ...:     ax[i].set_xlabel("Probability of false alarm, $P_{fa}$")
   ...:     ax[i].set_ylabel("Minimum required input SNR (dB)")
   ...:     ax[i].set_title(f"$N_{{nc}}={n_nc}$")

In [4]: fig.suptitle("Minimum required SNR across Swerling target models");