sdr.rms_bandwidth(x: ArrayLike, sample_rate: float =
) float Measures the RMS bandwidth \(B_{\text{rms}}\) of the signal \(x[n]\).
See also
The root-mean-square (RMS) bandwidth \(B_{\text{rms}}\) is calculated by
\[ B_{\text{rms}} = \sqrt{\frac {\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} (f - \mu_f)^2 \cdot S(f - \mu_f) \, df} {\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} S(f - \mu_f) \, df} } \]where \(S(f)\) is the power spectral density (PSD) of the signal \(x[n]\). The RMS bandwidth is measured about the centroid of the spectrum
\[ \mu_f = \frac {\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f \cdot S(f) \, df} {\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} S(f) \, df} . \]The RMS bandwidth is a measure of the energy spread of the spectrum about the centroid. For a rectangular spectrum, the RMS bandwidth is \(B_{\text{rms}} = B_s / \sqrt{12}\).
Calculate the RMS bandwidth of a signal with a rectangular spectrum with normalized bandwidth of 1.
In [1]: symbol_rate = 1 # symbols/s In [2]: symbol_rate / np.sqrt(12) Out[2]: 0.2886751345948129
Create a BPSK signal with a rectangular pulse shape. Note, the time-domain pulse shape is rectangular, but the spectrum is sinc-shaped. Measure the RMS bandwidth of the signal and compare it to the ideal rectangular spectrum.
In [3]: psk = sdr.PSK(2, pulse_shape="rect") In [4]: symbols = np.random.randint(0, psk.order, 10_000) In [5]: x_rect = psk.modulate(symbols) In [6]: sdr.rms_bandwidth(x_rect, sample_rate=symbol_rate * psk.sps) Out[6]: 0.7446372175904691
Make the same measurements with square-root raised cosine (SRRC) pulse shaping. The SRRC spectrum is narrower and, therefore, closer to the rectangular spectrum.
In [7]: psk = sdr.PSK(2, pulse_shape="srrc") In [8]: symbols = np.random.randint(0, psk.order, 10_000) In [9]: x_srrc = psk.modulate(symbols) In [10]: sdr.rms_bandwidth(x_srrc, sample_rate=symbol_rate * psk.sps) Out[10]: 0.29088345066048465
Plot the power spectral density (PSD) of the rectangular and SRRC pulse-shaped signals.
In [11]: plt.figure(); \ ....: sdr.plot.periodogram(x_rect, sample_rate=symbol_rate * psk.sps, label="Rectangular"); \ ....: sdr.plot.periodogram(x_srrc, sample_rate=symbol_rate * psk.sps, label="SRRC"); ....: