
Energy ArrayLike, ...) NDArray[float64]

Measures the energy of a time-domain signal \(x[n]\).


sdr.peak_power(x: NDArray, ...) float

Measures the peak power of a time-domain signal \(x[n]\).

sdr.average_power(x: NDArray, ...) float

Measures the average power of a time-domain signal \(x[n]\).

sdr.papr(x: NDArray, ...) float

Measures the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of a time-domain signal \(x[n]\).


sdr.peak_voltage(x: NDArray, db: bool = False) float

Measures the peak voltage of a time-domain signal \(x[n]\).

sdr.rms_voltage(x: NDArray, db: bool = False) float

Measures the root-mean-square (RMS) voltage of a time-domain signal \(x[n]\).

sdr.crest_factor(x: NDArray) float

Measures the crest factor of a time-domain signal \(x[n]\).


sdr.euclidean(x: NDArray, y: NDArray, ...) NDArray

Measures the Euclidean distance between two signals \(x[n]\) and \(y[n]\).

sdr.hamming(x: NDArray[int_], y, ...) NDArray[int_]

Measures the Hamming distance between two signals \(x[n]\) and \(y[n]\).


class sdr.ErrorRate

A class for measuring bit error rates (BER) or symbol error rates (SER).

sdr.evm(x_hat: ArrayLike, ref: ArrayLike, ...) float

Calculates the error-vector magnitude (EVM) of the complex symbols \(\hat{x}[k]\).

Last update: Nov 19, 2023