sdr.plot.impulse_response(filter: FIR | IIR | ArrayLike | tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike], N: int | None = None, offset: float = 0, **kwargs)

Plots the impulse response \(h[n]\) of a filter.

The impulse response \(h[n]\) is the filter output when the input is an impulse \(\delta[n]\).

filter: FIR | IIR | ArrayLike | tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike]

The filter definition.

  • sdr.FIR, sdr.IIR: The filter object.

  • npt.ArrayLike: The feedforward coefficients \(b_i\).

  • tuple[npt.ArrayLike, npt.ArrayLike]: The feedforward coefficients \(b_i\) and feedback coefficients \(a_j\).

N: int | None = None

The number of samples \(N\) to plot. If None, the length of b is used for FIR filters and 100 for IIR filters.

offset: float = 0

The x-axis offset to apply to the first sample. Can be useful for comparing the impulse response of filters with different lengths.


Additional keyword arguments to pass to matplotlib.pyplot.plot().


See the FIR filters example.

In [1]: h_srrc = sdr.root_raised_cosine(0.5, 10, 10)

In [2]: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)); \
   ...: sdr.plot.impulse_response(h_srrc)

See the IIR filters example.

In [3]: zero = 0.6; \
   ...: pole = 0.8 * np.exp(1j * np.pi / 8); \
   ...: iir = sdr.IIR.ZerosPoles([zero], [pole, pole.conj()])

In [4]: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)); \
   ...: sdr.plot.impulse_response(iir, N=30)