sdr.plot.ser(esn0: ArrayLike, ser: ArrayLike, ax: Axes | None =
, **kwargs) Plots the symbol error rate (SER) as a function of \(E_s/N_0\).
- Parameters:¶
Plot theoretical SER curves for BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, and 16-PSK in an AWGN channel.
In [1]: bpsk = sdr.PSK(2); \ ...: qpsk = sdr.PSK(4); \ ...: psk8 = sdr.PSK(8); \ ...: psk16 = sdr.PSK(16); \ ...: esn0 = np.linspace(-2, 10, 100) ...: In [2]: plt.figure(); \ ...: sdr.plot.ser(esn0, bpsk.ser(esn0), label="BPSK"); \ ...: sdr.plot.ser(esn0, qpsk.ser(esn0), label="QPSK"); \ ...: sdr.plot.ser(esn0, psk8.ser(esn0), label="8-PSK"); \ ...: sdr.plot.ser(esn0, psk16.ser(esn0), label="16-PSK"); \ ...: plt.title("SER curves for PSK modulation in an AWGN channel"); ...: