sdr.linear(x: ArrayLike, type: 'value' | 'power' | 'voltage' = 'value') NDArray[float64]

Converts from decibels to linear units.

x: ArrayLike

The input value or signal in dB.

type: 'value' | 'power' | 'voltage' = 'value'

The type of output value or signal.

  • "value": The output value/signal is any value.

\[x_{\text{linear}} = 10^{\frac{x_{\text{dB}}}{10}}\]

  • "power": The output value/signal is a power measurement.

\[P_{\text{linear}} = 10^{\frac{P_{\text{dB}}}{10}}\]

  • "voltage": The output value/signal is a voltage measurement.

\[V_{\text{linear}} = 10^{\frac{V_{\text{dB}}}{20}}\]


The value or signal in linear units.


Convert 77 dB-Hz to 50 MHz.

In [1]: sdr.linear(77)
Out[1]: 50118723.36272725

Convert 20 dBm to 100 mW.

In [2]: sdr.linear(20, type="power")
Out[2]: 100.0

Convert 6 dBV to 2 V.

In [3]: sdr.linear(6, type="voltage")
Out[3]: 1.9952623149688795