galois.printoptions(**kwargs) Generator[None, None, None]

A context manager to temporarily modify the print options for the package. This function is the galois equivalent of numpy.printoptions().

See set_printoptions() for the full list of available options.


A context manager for use in a with statement. The print options are only modified inside the with block.


By default, polynomials are displayed with descending degrees.

In [1]: GF = galois.GF(3**5, display="poly")

In [2]: a = GF([109, 83])

In [3]: f = galois.Poly([3, 0, 5, 2], field=galois.GF(7))

Modify the print options only inside the context manager.

In [4]: print(a); print(f)
[α^4 + α^3 + 1       α^4 + 2]
3x^3 + 5x + 2

In [5]: with galois.printoptions(coeffs="asc"):
   ...:     print(a); print(f)
[1 + α^3 + α^4       2 + α^4]
2 + 5x + 3x^3

In [6]: print(a); print(f)
[α^4 + α^3 + 1       α^4 + 2]
3x^3 + 5x + 2