galois.divisors(n: int) list[int]

Computes all positive integer divisors \(d\) of the integer \(n\) such that \(d\ |\ n\).

n: int

An integer.


Sorted list of positive integer divisors \(d\) of \(n\).


The divisors() function finds all positive integer divisors or factors of \(n\), where the factors() function only finds the prime factors of \(n\).


In [1]: galois.divisors(0)
Out[1]: []

In [2]: galois.divisors(1)
Out[2]: [1]

In [3]: galois.divisors(24)
Out[3]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24]

In [4]: galois.divisors(-24)
Out[4]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24]

In [5]: galois.factors(24)
Out[5]: ([2, 3], [3, 1])