galois.FieldArray(x: ElementLike | ArrayLike, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None, copy: bool = True, order: 'K' | 'A' | 'C' | 'F' = 'K', ndmin: int = 0)

Creates an array over \(\mathrm{GF}(p^m)\).

x: ElementLike | ArrayLike

A finite field scalar or array.

dtype: DTypeLike | None = None

The numpy.dtype of the array elements. The default is None which represents the smallest unsigned data type for this FieldArray subclass (the first element in dtypes).

copy: bool = True

The copy keyword argument from numpy.array(). The default is True.

order: 'K' | 'A' | 'C' | 'F' = 'K'

The order keyword argument from numpy.array(). The default is "K".

ndmin: int = 0

The ndmin keyword argument from numpy.array(). The default is 0.