- class galois.ReedSolomon
A general \(\textrm{RS}(n, k)\) code over \(\mathrm{GF}(q)\).
A \(\textrm{RS}(n, k)\) code is a \([n, k, n - k + 1]_q\) linear block code with codeword size \(n\), message size \(k\), minimum distance \(d = n - k + 1\), and symbols taken from an alphabet of size \(q\).
Shortened codes
To create the shortened \(\textrm{RS}(n-s, k-s)\) code, construct the full-sized \(\textrm{RS}(n, k)\) code and then pass \(k-s\) symbols into
and \(n-s\) symbols intodecode()
. Shortened codes are only applicable for systematic codes.A Reed-Solomon code is a cyclic code over \(\mathrm{GF}(q)\) with generator polynomial \(g(x)\). The generator polynomial has \(d-1\) roots \(\alpha^c, \dots, \alpha^{c+d-2}\). The element \(\alpha\) is a primitive \(n\)-th root of unity in \(\mathrm{GF}(q)\).
\[g(x) = (x - \alpha^c) \dots (x - \alpha^{c+d-2})\]Examples¶
Construct a \(\textrm{RS}(15, 9)\) code.
In [1]: rs = galois.ReedSolomon(15, 9); rs Out[1]: <Reed-Solomon Code: [15, 9, 7] over GF(2^4)> In [2]: GF = rs.field; GF Out[2]: <class 'galois.GF(2^4)'>
Encode a message.
In [3]: m = GF.Random(rs.k); m Out[3]: GF([13, 1, 0, 15, 11, 11, 2, 3, 14], order=2^4) In [4]: c = rs.encode(m); c Out[4]: GF([13, 1, 0, 15, 11, 11, 2, 3, 14, 3, 9, 3, 7, 10, 0], order=2^4)
Corrupt the codeword and decode the message.
# Corrupt the first symbol in the codeword In [5]: c[0] ^= 13; c Out[5]: GF([ 0, 1, 0, 15, 11, 11, 2, 3, 14, 3, 9, 3, 7, 10, 0], order=2^4) In [6]: dec_m = rs.decode(c); dec_m Out[6]: GF([13, 1, 0, 15, 11, 11, 2, 3, 14], order=2^4) In [7]: np.array_equal(dec_m, m) Out[7]: True
Instruct the decoder to return the number of corrected symbol errors.
In [8]: dec_m, N = rs.decode(c, errors=True); dec_m, N Out[8]: (GF([13, 1, 0, 15, 11, 11, 2, 3, 14], order=2^4), 1) In [9]: np.array_equal(dec_m, m) Out[9]: True
ReedSolomon(n: int, k: int | None =
, d: int | None =None
, ...) Constructs a general \(\textrm{RS}(n, k)\) code over \(\mathrm{GF}(q)\).
String representation¶
- decode(codeword: ArrayLike, ...) FieldArray
- decode(...) tuple[galois._fields._array.FieldArray, int | numpy.ndarray]
Decodes the codeword \(\mathbf{c}\) into the message \(\mathbf{m}\).
- detect(codeword: ArrayLike) bool | numpy.ndarray
Detects if errors are present in the codeword \(\mathbf{c}\).
- encode(message: ArrayLike, ...) FieldArray
Encodes the message \(\mathbf{m}\) into the codeword \(\mathbf{c}\).
- property c : int
The first consecutive power \(c\) of \(\alpha\) that defines the roots \(\alpha^c, \dots, \alpha^{c+d-2}\) of the generator polynomial \(g(x)\).
- property field : type[FieldArray]
The Galois field \(\mathrm{GF}(q)\) that defines the codeword alphabet.
- property k : int
The message size \(k\) of the \([n, k, d]_q\) code. This is also called the code dimension.
- property n : int
The codeword size \(n\) of the \([n, k, d]_q\) code. This is also called the code length.
- property is_narrow_sense : bool
Indicates if the Reed-Solomon code is narrow-sense, meaning the roots of the generator polynomial are consecutive powers of \(\alpha\) starting at 1, that is \(\alpha, \dots, \alpha^{d-1}\).
- property is_primitive : bool
Indicates if the Reed-Solomon code is primitive, meaning \(n = q - 1\).
- property is_systematic : bool
Indicates if the code is systematic, meaning the codewords have parity appended to the message.
- property G : FieldArray
The generator matrix \(\mathbf{G}\) with shape \((k, n)\).
- property H : FieldArray
The parity-check matrix \(\mathbf{H}\) with shape \((n - k, n)\).
- property alpha : FieldArray
A primitive \(n\)-th root of unity \(\alpha\) in \(\mathrm{GF}(q)\) whose consecutive powers \(\alpha^c, \dots, \alpha^{c+d-2}\) are roots of the generator polynomial \(g(x)\).
- property generator_poly : Poly
The generator polynomial \(g(x)\) over \(\mathrm{GF}(q)\).
- property parity_check_poly : Poly
The parity-check polynomial \(h(x)\).
- property roots : FieldArray
The \(d - 1\) roots of the generator polynomial \(g(x)\).
ReedSolomon(n: int, k: int | None =